The February edition of Stuff We Love. Stuff we love is a monthly selection of stuff we love, an opportunity for us to share what we’re interested in, give further reach to the contributors, and allows us to talk about something that isn’t coffee. Feel free to send in yours or other people’s work as recommendations. UK only please, as we like to send out free coffee to the contributors.
Sometimes when we tell people about our product, we get faces of absolute disgust. With responses like “why would you ever drink cold coffee?”, or our favourite “it will be warm yoghurt next”. I can never really understand why the idea of our product upsets so many people, as though they’ve never had a cold drink in their life. So I’ve decided to actually answer the question. Why would you ever drink cold coffee?
The coffee industry loves to talk about which wave we are approaching next. I think this is because it’s growing at such a rapid pace that industry experts are trying rationalise the growth and understand where is worth investing. Whilst food and alcohol has been around forever, along with the cultures that support it, coffee is relatively new. Namely, as an industry.