Outside the box
The Tipping Point
Needless to say, we’ve all faced challenges with COVID-19. For some businesses the challenges are ongoing and support is running out. Hospitality is one industry that feels the full wrath of government restrictions, and after the “Eat out to help out” scheme there’s been very little support.
We are launching a new product in November. Coffee concentrate. This product has been created with the trade in mind, to make serving Espresso Martinis much easier (and tastier). But launching a product in a time where many establishments are fighting for survival, it feels somewhat inappropriate to be pitching a new product to them. So we decided to help where we can. And whilst we’re not in a position to be donating thousands of pounds, we are in a position to ask a helping hand. We’re teaming together with some of our favourite food and drink brands to give back to the industry that we rely on.
For lots of hospitality businesses, now really is the tipping point. The next few months will be the hardest few months the industry has seen. The “tip” has always been a gesture that shows our support to those serving us. So let’s come together and give a tip that the industry won’t forget. We’ll be donating 12.5% of profits from the new product to The Drinks Trust from now until the end of the year. If you are a food and drink brand (big or small) please get in touch to see how you can help.